Saturday, September 5, 2009

The grass is greener…

In my back yard! Literally! My husband, father and family have been working hard on our yard and we are no longer the ugly duckling of the neighborhood! Here is a before and after…



Isn’t it AMAZING?!

Now figuratively speaking the grass IS greener for me these days! With 2 of the new treatments behind me and only 10 more to go! These treatments so far have been 100 times easier to handle. I am so happy to have more good days than bad and all the while still killing cancer. These weekly treatments were a bit scary for me at first but now that I have completed two it’s not that bad. During treatment I am pumped with Benadryl, which completely knocks me out. It starts with a little bit of slurring words, eyes drooping maybe some “I love You, Man” to the nurse then finally I pass out sleep for bit. Alright, it’s not college life, but it’s the best buzz I get these days and I will take it over the alternative!  hee hee!

Below is a picture of my temporary office on Wednesday's, Tia Frances joined me again ; ) partly because she wanted to and partly because she had to drive me! My mom broke her foot gardening the night before. OUCH!


More green grass… My brother and family have been planning the awesome event in honor of me. (I really don’t know how I am going to go back to life before cancer, I am soooo spoiled now!) Anyway, they have this great Pink Rock Benefit Concert (click there or here) planned to help raise money for my bills and fertility treatments (you should see our mailbox these days!). I am just so grateful to have people like this around me I have so much support in so many ways it’s hard to thank everyone enough. If you can make it I would love to see all of you. Music, good people and good times!

Hope you have an amazing day and can find your “green grass”

Until next time,

Kelly Freitas

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Your yard looks beautiful! What an amazing transformation. Glad you're finding lots of greener grass in your life!

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